Sometime last year, our exclusive contract with Pegasus for the publication of the Shadowrun soundtrack ended, and we are hereby releasing the soundtrack free of charge. The first post includes the full versions of all tracks in the album, and an upcoming post will also include versions that loop easily, and versions that have been subjected to a low-pass filter to give the impression of sitting in an adjacent room, say, for negotiating with a certain Mr. Johnson.
Shadowrun SoundTrack for Free!
The Renraku Arkology Elevator Selection
a.k.a. our Shadowrun Soundtrack cyberpunk, shadowrun, soundtrack
Some tracks do not play in a loop in the album version – for these, looping versions are also provided. For two tracks that play in meeting locations, we have added “negotiation room” versions, which are simply the same track, but with a low-pass filter added to make them sound as if in an adjacent room.
The Shadowrun Main Theme
The Sprawl
Redmond by Night
No Rain Tonight
Drek Hits the Fan
Relentless Pursuit
When The Shadows Are Darkest
Lukewarm Soybeer
Surfing The Grid
Astral Projection
Download Links
… we have those now.
As a short addendum to the below boast that all pieces are available for download, there are now also some handy buttons to actually download them.
Shadowrun Soundtrack Released
We are very proud to have contributed a humble piece to the Shadowrun universe, which we hold so dear. We have decided to celebrate this success by making all music pieces on this website available for free. In the unlikely case that you like our work so much that you really want to pay us money, just head over to PayPal and donate any amount that you deem apropriate.
Beta Time
I have officially created a tastepocalypse of style, a never to have been witnessed before orcano of awesomeness, in what is now a terribly compressed css file. Behold the new menu, the humiliating array of social media icons and a responsive layout that would make Steve Jobs shed a single, shiny tear of pure platinum.
This is the beta design stage of traumlabor, which means that I would call this website fully styled and functional now.
The plot thickens
The site is beginning to look less like Weltschmerz.
For all those who are following this alpha version of our website: I very honestly hope that you notice a certain aesthetic upgrade to the entire appearance. I can do virtually nothing about the torturing stock photography that sarik uses for the releases, but everything else is already quite presentable, I reckon!
From now on I am grateful for any and every hint as to what could need improvement. If you’re reading this in short order after I publish it, then you know how to reach me. If it is five years in the future, I am certain you will be able to find my email address somewhere on this website.
cheers, rattle
Hello and welcome to our webpage, visitor,
We are two composers from Germany, sarik (Oliver) and rattle (Jesko). It is our goal to provide you with a – purely instrumental – soundtrack to your daydreams and help you to escape into other worlds and tell, live and feel your own stories. In short: We want to be fuel for your imagination.
The style we compose in varies quite a bit and you will find steampunk inspired music, as well as dance tracks, fantasy pieces, classical piano music and much more. Of course, there is a demo available for each piece.
On the left side of this webpage you will find the fluff. A few short stories, funny videos and whatnot. On the right side there is the crunch, which means the list of pieces you can buy.
We hope that you will enjoy your stay and if there is anything that we can help you with do not hesitate to ask.
With kind regards,
sarik & rattle